The upheaval brought on by divorce can be very challenging to all members of a Texas family. Teens who are experiencing their parents’ divorce might feel overwhelmed by the changes and the emotions that the process brings. However, there are things that families can do to help them cope and overcome the challenges.
The value of communication
One of the most important things families can do during and after the divorce process is to establish and maintain open lines of communication. This can help teens feel safe to discuss the emotions they are working through, their fears and concerns related to the end of the marriage. Parents should be willing to answer their teens’ questions honestly while at the same time comforting them and offering support.
Validating emotions
Just like the adults involved in a divorce, teens who need to cope with their parents’ divorce often experience a range of emotions that might sometimes not even make sense to them. Each teen’s journey is different but they might experience confusion, guilt, anger, fear and grief. Even if teens understand that they are not at fault for the divorce, they might still find it challenging to work through their feelings. When it becomes particularly difficult, parents can also consider seeking the services of a therapist or other mental health professional to help their children through the divorce process.
Other things that can help teens cope
There are many other things that can help teens cope with divorce. These include:
- Speaking to friends who have gone through the same experience
- Engaging in physical activities such as running, swimming or team sports
- Not becoming their parents’ messenger
- Accepting that the divorce was not their fault
Teens can overcome divorce and continue on a thriving healthy path. However, they will need their parents’ support and understanding to do so.