Soulsby Law serves clients in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout the state.

Child Custody

When to get a child custody agreement modified

Parents only want what’s best for their kids. Following a divorce, many parents in Texas work together to come to a child custody agreement that suits the best needs of the children. However, as the years go by and children grow, the child custody agreement may need...

Some advice in preparing for a child custody hearing

Unfortunately, many divorcing couples in Texas fail to come to an agreement on parenting arrangements. If parents are unable to agree on a suitable child custody agreement, the matter may proceed to court. Regardless of what one parent wants or the issues that parents...

Things to consider when seeking child custody

When parents in Texas decide to split, one of the most common areas of dispute is who gets custody of the children. In many scenarios, both parents want primary custody of the children. Unfortunately, this can often trigger a prolonged child custody battle. It is...

Can you modify your child custody order in Texas?

After a divorce, either parents enter into an agreement about child custody or a Texas family court judge orders a parenting plan. Normally, these agreements do not occur overnight. Instead, these agreements may arise after months of litigation or negotiation. The...

Child custody: Factors leading to modification

There are a host of issues that must be resolved in a divorce case, especially if there are children involved. Children of divorce are entitled to receive emotional and financial support from both their mother and father. As a result, child support is arranged in the...

Can I get full custody in Texas?

In Texas, Child childcare agreements post-divorce are rarely as simple as one parent getting the kids. In fact, you will probably find that this is one of the most detailed sections of any divorce you encounter in the state. As to whether you could get full custody of...

